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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Partners 9 Min Read

Cloud Migration of On-Premise Data Centers with Splunk and Accenture

The CO2 footprint of data centers globally is equivalent to the world’s entire airline industry combined. Moving on-premise data centers to the cloud could reduce the CO2 footprint by at least 80%. Learn more about how Splunk and Accenture are partnering to help you harvest the low hanging fruit on your sustainability journey.
Leadership 3 Min Read

Why We’re Going All-in on CX as an Outcome

In celebration of the 10th Annual CX Day, Splunk's Katie Bianchi reflects on how we've established CX as a priority for every leader and organization, with intentional, specific goals for accountability.

Splunk Tales to the Rescue!

See how the Splunk Tales video series helps address how-to's, Splunk definitions, Splunk roles or questions that our support representatives frequently receive from customers.
Partners 2 Min Read

Partnering on a Whole New Level - My Journey to Splunk

Splunk's new Vice President, Worldwide Channels and Alliances, Gretchen O'Hara, shares a closer look at her journey to Splunk and why she's excited to join the team.
Platform 2 Min Read

A Deeper Dive into Machine Learning at Splunk

Ever wondered where to get started with machine learning at Splunk? This blog contains links to deep dives that provide end-to-end guides for how to implement specific use cases against your own data.
Splunk Life 7 Min Read

Splunker Stories: Brian Pham

Get to know Brian Pham, Splunk’s Manager of Vulnerability Management, in the latest edition of our 'Splunker Stories' series.
Security 3 Min Read

Staff Picks for Splunk Security Reading September 2022

Check out the latest staff picks from Splunk security experts, featuring presentations, whitepapers, and customer case studies that we feel are worth a read.
Security 7 Min Read

Machine Learning in Security: NLP Based Risky SPL Detection with a Pre-trained Model

The Splunk Threat Research Team shares a closer look at a hunting analytic and two machine learning-based detections that help find users running highly suspicious risky SPL commands.
DevOps 3 Min Read

Why You Need Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring lets you simulate user transactions, so you can find out about problems before your customer's angry social media post goes viral.