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Ewald Munz

Ewald Munz is a Manufacturing Expert with 20+ years of industrial markets experience focusing on Industry 4.0, Engineering and Technical/Maintenance Services. At Splunk, Ewald helps to grow the Manufacturing vertical in EMEA with solutions in IT & OT Security, IoT, Cloud and more recently Sustainability. He lives with his family in Stuttgart, Germany.

Industries 10 Min Read

Building Resilience in Manufacturing with the Power of Data

Resilience has become the new strategic imperative for manufacturers during these testing times. As the world’s challenges make headlines, so do the innovative responses of manufacturing leaders.
Partners 9 Min Read

Cloud Migration of On-Premise Data Centers with Splunk and Accenture

The CO2 footprint of data centers globally is equivalent to the world’s entire airline industry combined. Moving on-premise data centers to the cloud could reduce the CO2 footprint by at least 80%. Learn more about how Splunk and Accenture are partnering to help you harvest the low hanging fruit on your sustainability journey.
Industries 5 Min Read

IoT, Cybersecurity and Sustainability - Friends for Life

Splunk, SVA and HiveMQ have teamed up to demonstrate the friendship of IoT, Cybersecurity and Sustainability with a real-life example of a Connected Car Platform. The Result: Cool Splunk dashboards and happy Automotive customers! To find out more, read on.
Partners 8 Min Read

Smart, Secure and Sustainable Manufacturing - How Splunk and Google Cloud Are Helping Manufacturers to Skate Where the Puck is Going

Splunk and Google Cloud are helping organizations realize smart, secure and sustainable manufacturing. Manufacturers can now leverage new complementary solutions to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the data age.
Industries 6 Min Read

Tackling Your Carbon Footprint with the Sustainability Toolkit for Splunk

Sustainability is top of mind for organizations across all verticals and Splunk can help with the power of data. Our Sustainability Toolkit based on the Splunk platform equips organizations with capabilities to gain deep insights into their carbon footprint and as such empowers them to take the necessary actions towards their carbon neutrality goals.
Industries 6 Min Read

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of the Manufacturing Industry with the Power of Data

The Power of Data has much to offer such as environmentally friendly manufacturing, efficient logistics, improved building and energy management and optimized renewable energy production.