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The world’s leading organizations trust Splunk to help keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Our software solutions and services help to prevent major issues, absorb shocks and accelerate transformation. Learn what Splunk does and why customers choose Splunk.  


Splunk Life 2 Min Read

Splunker Stories: Rosie Sennett

In our next edition of the 'Splunker Stories' series, we meet Splunk Staff Sales Engineer Rosie Sennett — a self-described “Jack of All Trades”, with experiences that show it.
Security 5 Min Read

The New Normal: Organizations Need Security Leaders More Than Ever

Security leaders, including chief information security officers (CISOs) face new security challenges as well as opportunities. They need to start by contemplating the long-term impact of the COVID-19 crisis on various aspects of the security program.
Industries 3 Min Read

OpenSmartEDU Offers a Methodical Guide to Reopening

This guide features what amounts to an organization chart laying out 15 essential focal points for institutional planning—from functional areas like academics, faculty governance, student services, and student life, to the leadership and planning steps to develop and solidify a reopening plan.
DevOps 4 Min Read

Operationalizing HashiCorp Vault: Introducing a New Splunkbase App to Monitor Vault

With Splunk App for HashiCorp Vault, organizations can seamlessly ingest and visualize performance metrics and audit logs in Splunk to investigate, monitor, analyze and act on Vault data across DevSecOps use cases.
DevOps 2 Min Read

Supporting APM for .NET Applications

Now, with Splunk’s observability tools such as SignalFx Microservices APM, we made it easier for .NET application developers to support the operations of their code by automatically instrumenting observability at the code level.
Partners 3 Min Read

Splunking Slack Audit Data

A detailed walkthrough of the Slack Add-on for Splunk.