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The world’s leading organizations trust Splunk to help keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Our software solutions and services help to prevent major issues, absorb shocks and accelerate transformation. Learn what Splunk does and why customers choose Splunk.  


Leadership 3 Min Read

Are You Ready for the Data Age?

The Data Age is here – are you ready? Our CEO Doug Merritt explores the findings of our new global research report and shares how organizations can chart their best courses forward in this new age of data.
DevOps 4 Min Read

Monitor Containerized Deployments on AWS Bottlerocket with Splunk

Learn how you can monitor the performance of containerized deployments on AWS Bottlerocket with Splunk.
DevOps 2 Min Read

Splunk Developer Summer 2020 Update

What’s the latest from Splunk Developer? Read about .conf20, changes on, AppInspect updates, Splunk Community and Python 2 going away.
Industries 3 Min Read

Prescription for Safe Reopening: Pivot Fast, Listen Closely, Adapt Along the Way

As colleges and universities work through their plans for a safe reopening this fall, they’re realizing that one of the most profound impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the system shock it delivered to the planning process.
Tips & Tricks 5 Min Read

Do you KYC?

The biggest hurdle organizations face today keeping on the right side of compliance (e.g. KYC) is the ability to distill unimaginable volumes of data and to find potentially non-compliant anomalies. Find out how to not only “collect the dots” but also how to effectively “connect the dots”.
Security 3 Min Read

Don't Let Security Go Up, Up and Away (in the Clouds), Start with Data

Learn how you can start identifying business-critical data, configuring your systems, and demonstrate how to onboard and normalize Windows, Linux and Cisco ASA data into Splunk Cloud so that you can start getting valuable insights today.