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The world’s leading organizations trust Splunk to help keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Our software solutions and services help to prevent major issues, absorb shocks and accelerate transformation. Learn what Splunk does and why customers choose Splunk.  


Tips & Tricks 1 Min Read

Managing your Ingestion with the search bar

Custom searches for drilling down into data in your Splunk Cloud service; Total Ingestion Volume search over time, usage, volume by sourcetype & forwarder.
Tips & Tricks 3 Min Read

I can’t make my time range picker pick my time field.

Hadoop, Hunk or Splunk users have a choice in time field settings, can pull data from csv files, use specific searches & filters to achieve usable data subsets.
Global Impact 1 Min Read

“Wheely” impressive. From London to Paris in data.

Fearless UK biking Splunkers cycled London to Paris aided by Splunk analytics. Over 77 miles, terrain, altitude, heart monitors & speed tracked on dashboards.
Tips & Tricks 12 Min Read

Configuring Microsoft’s Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Single Sign On (SSO) with Splunk Cloud

Assisting customers with pre-req & integration steps for setting up ADFS-Active Directory Federation Services-SAML for Single Sign On with Splunk Cloud.
IT 3 Min Read

A Practical Introduction to Metrics Monitoring: Getting More Value Out of Data with Analytics

As monitoring evolves from static checks towards metrics time series, we gain a rich source of data from which we can extract value. This blog covers CPU utilization.
.conf & .conf Go 3 Min Read

#splunkconf16 preview: Business Analytics, IoT & Industrial Data at .conf2016

splunkconf .conf2016 another conference where customers gather like family and talk about all things machine data, security, analytics, infrastructure, insight.