
What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device, or a combination of these elements, which identifies goods or services of a manufacturer and distinguishes those goods from the goods of another. Splunk trademarks are owned by Splunk LLC, and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, in the United States and other countries. For additional trademark information, please contact Splunk Legal.

Referential Use

You may refer to Splunk trademarks (but not logos or taglines) to identify Splunk products, services, and programs on packaging, promotional, and advertising materials, provided you meet the following guidelines:

  • You may not include any Splunk trademark in your company name, product or service name, or domain name.
  • You may not include any Splunk trademark in your social media account name, page(s) or community, without written authorization from Splunk, except to describe the purpose by referring to a Splunk product.
  • You may not include any Splunk logo, in whole or in part, in your company logo, your product logo, or in your social media account, page(s) or community images without a prior written license from Splunk.
  • Your product name may not be confusingly similar to any Splunk trademark.
  • You may not use any Splunk trademark on or in connection with any obscene or pornographic materials, and your use of any Splunk trademark may not be disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to Splunk, any of its products, or any person or entity.
  • You may not use Splunk trademarks in any manner that directly or indirectly expresses or implies Splunk sponsorship, affiliation, certification, approval, or endorsement in relation to your product or service or in such a manner that it appears that Splunk is legally associated with your company.
  • A Splunk trademark must not be the most prominent visual element on packaging, a download page, or other marketing materials for your product or service.
  • If you refer to a Splunk product, you should use the full name of the product in the first and most prominent reference (“Splunk® Enterprise Security software”, for example). When using a Splunk trademark, mark it with a ™ or ® as referenced below.
  • You may not shorten, abbreviate, or modify any Splunk trademark. Always spell out and capitalize Splunk trademarks exactly as they appear below.
  • You should include the following trademark attribution statement: “Splunk, Splunk>, and Turn Data Into Doing are trademarks or registered trademarks of Splunk LLC in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. © 2023 Splunk LLC. All rights reserved."

Basic Rules for Proper Trademark Use:

  1. Trademarks are adjectives, not nouns or verbs. An appropriate noun after a Splunk trademark should be used the first time it appears in a publication and as often as possible after that.

    Correct: “You can search data using Splunk® software.”
    Incorrect: “I recommend you buy Splunk.”

  2. Trademarks are not plural.

    Correct: “You can run many instances of Splunk® Enterprise software.”
    Incorrect: “I have five Splunks running.”

  3. Trademarks are not possessive.

    Correct: “The data extraction capabilities of the Splunk® Enterprise platform are unmatched.”
    Incorrect: “Splunk Enterprise’s ability to extract data is unmatched.”

  4. Trademarks should be spelled correctly, with the first letter capitalized or in all caps.

    Correct: “Splunk® Enterprise makes it simple to collect and analyze data.”
    Incorrect: “Our company uses splunk products.”

  5. Splunk should be identified as the trademark owner whenever possible.

    Splunk, Splunk>, and Turn Data Into Doing are trademarks or registered trademarks of Splunk LLC in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. © 2023 Splunk LLC. All rights reserved.

Commonly Referenced Splunk Products and Services

Properly Identify Splunk Trademarks

Use the ® to indicate Splunk registered trademarks and the ™ to indicate our other trademarks. Please make the trademark symbol a superscript (® or ™), when technically feasible, large enough to be clearly legible without benefit of magnification, and position it immediately after the trademark to which it applies (e.g., Splunk® solutions).

Communications and Materials that Require Trademark Symbols

It is important that the appropriate™ or ® symbols are included with our trademarks in the following prominent uses: product packaging, labels, product manuals, company or product websites, promotional collateral or brochures, books or other commercial publications, data sheets, and advertisements. (See paragraph below.)

Product Names may Include One or More Trademarks

Product names are not necessarily synonymous with trademarks. The trademark designation and protection apply only to that portion of the product name which is immediately to the left of the ® or ™ symbol.


  • “Splunk® Enterprise”: only the “Splunk” portion of the product name is a registered trademark.

Use of Splunk Trademarks in the Names of Third-Party Products for use with Splunkbase

When creating the name for your app or add-on do not use a full Splunk product name. For example, your app should be named "FireEye App for Splunk" instead of "FireEye App for Splunk Enterprise". When creating the name for the app or add-on please provide a description that clearly states which Splunk products it supports. Please reference the naming convention for Splunkbase here.

Any reference you make to any Splunk product, service, or mark cannot imply Splunk’s endorsement, sponsorship, or association with you, your company, or your product or service. Your use of the Splunk name or mark cannot be false, misleading, or derogatory to Splunk’s brands or corporate reputation.

When describing content that you have built, reference Splunk only in sub-headings or descriptions to make it clear that the content has been created for use with Splunk and is not built by Splunk or is part of a Splunk product: "...for use with Splunk® Enterprise..."

Trademark Paragraph and Copyright Notice (Tradegraph)

At the end of the entire communication, collateral material, publication, or other material ("material") or on the copyright notice page of the material that references Splunk trademarks, include one tradegraph incorporating a list of all applicable trademarks used throughout the material (see below). Do not include  the ® or ™ symbols in the tradegraph.

Splunk, Splunk>, and Turn Data Into Doing are trademarks or registered trademarks of Splunk LLC in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. © 2023 Splunk LLC. All rights reserved.

Domain and Company Names

Unless you are an actual Splunk corporate entity, or an affiliate with a contractual relationship with Splunk that specifically authorizes such use, do not use or permit any third party, including channel sales partners, or others, to use or incorporate Splunk’s trademarks in your or the third party's domain name or company name.


Use of our logos are not allowed unless you are a Splunk partner or you have obtained prior written consent from Splunk Legal.

Report Unauthorized Use

In the event you see or become aware of any unauthorized or improper use of Splunk’s trademarks, please contact Splunk Legal.

Last updated on March 2023