Explore our Splunkbase ecosystem of applications — or develop your own with developer tools at your fingertips!
Set up flexible environment management for your data no matter the scale with effective tools to administer your Splunk deployment on-premises or with your own cloud license.
We trust Splunk with our most critical environments. More than half our business is through our digital channels, and Splunk is our eyes into all those services and channels.
Mike Cox
Operational Intelligence Architect, Domino’s
Splunk provides previous releases for customers that need access to a specific version. When available, Splunk provides updates, upgrades, and maintenance releases for the Supported Version listed here. Each product release is identified with a numerical version comprising three sets of digits separated by decimals. The digit(s) to the left of the first decimal represent the major version, the digit(s) to the right of the first decimal represent the minor version, and the digit(s) to the right of the second decimal represent the maintenance version. For the purposes of determining the Supported Version, any maintenance release that may be provided for a given minor version is considered part of that version and does not alter the minor version release date. Splunk provides full support for bug fixes (when available), for twenty-four months from the then current major release, whichever period is greater (“Supported Prior Versions”).
The complete General Terms Splunk Support Agreement can be found here.
All Splunk releases are cumulative with fixes. Be sure to read the Release Notes for your deployment type, cloud or on-prem, for the release to ensure that you will not encounter any problems.
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