We put the "t" in team.
VP Marketing Special Ops & Catering
Shelly is STSC’s most ardent evangelist. When he’s not selling t-shirts or mentoring young shirtmakers, he enjoys butchering foreign languages and photographing livestock.
Media Studio Manager
Tori is the Media Studio’s operational hub. She has achieved proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, G Suite, MS Office Suite and a bunch of other sweet software. She’s also a skilled doodler.
[Title Unknown]
Frank wandered into STSC one day, grabbed a desk and started Googling stuff. Today, he spends most of his time snacking and napping. He is Shelly's aide-de-camp.
Corporate Communications
When Reyna showed up at kindergarten in a power suit, it was clear she’d go far. If she’s not at work, Reyna enjoys commuting to work, reading work emails and thinking about work.
SVP Social Media Marketing
From Farcebook to Envygram, Olivia hearts social media. She feels #blessed for getting paid to do what she loves. She and her influencer pup @shirtdog enjoy #longwalks and finding great #selfie spots.
VP Legal Affairs
Larry has been with STSC for years. He loves the people, the pretzels and the selection of pens. If his office door is closed, chances are he's memorizing courtroom scenes from movies and TV shows.
SVP Human Resources
A Silicon Valley veteran, Margaret is a true people person. Meetings are her happy place. When away from her “work family,” she loves banjo festivals, intimate 15-person dinners and the middle seat.
Sendur is a graduate of UCSD and holds an MBA in Finance from Cornell. Prior to joining the STSC internship program, Sendur worked at Morgan Stanley where he was VP for investment banking.
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